Here at Age Fifty Nine, we hope these stories inspire everyone to pursue their dreams, if you know anyone that would be a perfect addition
to our site, recommend them under the "Nominations" tab!
63 and a survivor
"I always remain optimistic because that's who I am. Life's too short and you have to realize that there are people out there who have it worse." - Kim
Our platform showcases and celebrates the transformative and awe-inspiring accomplishments of individuals approaching the age of sixty.
The heart-warming stories we feature are ageless and each one is unique. Some may be witty - some with a touch of sadness - and some educational; but they are all about amazing people who want to inspire your hope, perseverance and dreams.
The common element of each story is the emphasis on it never being too late to change your aspirations - and never being too late to dream.
We strive to create an atmosphere of hope and inspiration; and to create a network of people you can relate to and learn from Our "Nominations" page allows our readers to recommend inspirational people in their lives to be featured on Age Fifty Nine.com.
Our inspiration came from our very own founder, Nancy Volpe Beringer. As she has gone through her own life changing experiences, she has decided to share others' stories as well. She was once afraid to dream, but now she flourishes. That is our intention: to feature thriving and daring individuals.
Behind age fifty Nine
Nancy Volpe Beringer
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." - Maya Angelou
Age Fifty Nine’s mission mirrors founder Nancy Volpe Beringer’s personal goal to inspire others to dare to hope, persevere, and dream.
I took an unconventional journey from single parenthood, restaurateur, public school teacher, and teacher advocate to award-winning fashion designer and founder of Age Fifty Nine.com. I believe that age doesn’t matter when pursuing a dream. At age 59, I became a first-year grad student at Drexel University, the country’s fourth-ranked fashion school. At age 61, I graduated top of my class with a Masters of Science degree in fashion design. This came just a week after earning a record-setting seven awards at the 2016 Drexel Fashion Show. My designs are now exclusively sold at Joan Shepp, Philly’s premier fashion boutique.
But I believe my true success comes with how I am using my compassionate spirit, experience, and fashion design skills to benefit others. I am the lead teacher of Philadelphia’s “Refugee Women’s Textile Cooperative” and now founder of Age Fifty Nine.com.
Curiosity about why a 58-year old would give up a successful career to enter the highly competitive fashion world frequently resulted in being asked, “What do you plan to do when you graduate?” I have no definitive answer except to say that I want to use my experience and interest in fashion to make a difference and inspire others. It appears through the startup of Age Fifty Nine, my goal is within reach.
Olivia L. Meier
"If we want to fly, we must give up what is weighing us down." - Unknown
I am an aspiring journalist with a love for writing and a passion for storytelling. I also happen to love print newspapers. Holding a newspaper in my hands is one of my favorite feelings and I read at least one every day. The font looks more vivid; the stories mean so much more to me and the overall experience is better when I read stories from a print paper. I also can't forget to mention, there's nothing better than having your name printed in the byline and cutting it out to hang on the fridge.
I am currently working towards my Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism at Mercy College, a New York school. Throughout my college career as a young writer, I have written for numerous blogs and newspapers. Nothing beats the feeling of having your story published. Recently, I received the Quill Award from my college, which recognizes outstanding media students for their work. As Editor-in-Chief of Age Fifty Nine.com, I hope to write stories that inspire individuals of all ages to go after their dreams.
Creative Director
Christopher T. Siracusa
"Life is what you make of it." - Eleanor Roosevelt
I lead a fast paced lifestyle as an emerging photographer focusing in fashion, portraiture and landscape photography in New York and Philadelphia. Life gives me oxygen. Nature inspires me. Humanity gives me energy. To me, there is nothing better than a good conversation and a real connection – it’s exhilarating. A driving force in my life is my roots and their culture. On one hand I come from a long line of artists of all trades; oil painters, wood carvers, musicians, and photographers while on the other I come from an equally long line of bankers, doctors and lawyers. I am Italian, I am Dutch, and I am American. I have found that each culture guides me through my life in a different way and to me, that is beautiful.